TB Advisory Service (TBAS)

Our Vets Helen, Andy and Richard have all undertaken extensive training to become TBAS qualified advisors.

Currently, the government is providing funding for them to come out to your holding(s). They can carry out tailored risk assessments, alongside giving advice and creating plans to reduce the impact TB may have on your business.  TB testing can seem a thankless task, and Cornwall and Devon are the worst affected areas in the UK. Please give us a ring to book in for this free support, based around other ways we can reduce the impact of TB!

The TB advisory service offers free visits to discuss TB risk on farm, and offers four simple cost effective, practical recommendations based on the risks identified.

The TB Advisory Service has been running for 4 years, funded by the rural development program for England (RDPE) 98% of  Farmers that had a free farm visit said the recommendations at the end were useful and 90% rated the service as excellent.

Defra is now funding the TB Advisory Service for the whole of England, previously it was only available for farmers in the high risk and edge areas. This new funding also allows those farming other TB susceptible species (camelids, deer, goats, pigs and sheep) to have visits not just cattle keepers.

The top 5 recommendations from previous visits include using badger proof water and feed troughs, fencing off badger setts from cattle, using the website www.ibTB.co.uk to look up a sellers TB history prior to purchase and putting up wildlife cameras to identify what badger activity is in the farm yard and where to prioritise badger proofing measures.

If you would like to access the service either call the practice 01566 772371 or contact TBAS directly.

For hints and tips on TB biosecurity you can follow them on social media.